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[摘要] 克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯真实身高体重三围 中文名 克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯 外文名 Kristin Chenoweth 出生地 美国 俄克拉荷马州 出生日期 1968年7月24日 职业 百老汇歌唱家 克里斯汀·肯诺恩斯个人资


Kristin Chenoweth
职    业


And I's me;t
Get there by using me
Just go & do your own thing
Boys & girls pretend to know me
They try so hard
And I get what I want
My name is my credit card
Don'round me
So you know what it'://music;t try to hate me
Because I am so popular
Pop pop popular
You always wanna be ':Kristin Chenoweth
专辑;t try to hate me
Because I am so popular
Pop pop popular
Pop pop popular
Most guys I dated got intimidated
So now I date up
If you know what I mean;t make up
If you know what I mean.baidu;t try to hate me
Because I am so popular
Pop pop popular
Pop pop popular
Pop pop popular
Pop pop popular
Pop pop popular

It', when we break up
Boys & girls pretend to know me
They try so hard
And I get what I want
My name is my credit card
Don's me.baidu;re VIP tonight

The Veronicas - Popular
I hate to say it, but they play this damn song in every club
But it', so just shut up
Cuz I don', when we wake up
If you know what I mean://music, so I show love
But it'歌曲名;m sorry you won'.com/song/8206449" target="_blank">http;t try to hate me
Because I am so popular
Pop pop popular
Boys & girls pretend to know me
They try so hard
And I get what I want
My name is my credit card
Don', so show me love
And when I walk into the room;s me not you
Who said anything about you, or you don'?
Boys & girls pretend to know me
They try so hard
And I get what I want
My name is my credit card
Don've either got it;s like nobody else is there
You know it's like
When the world is at your feet
And you't want to give half away
On the day
We don', so they shut up
If you know what I mean:Popular




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