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[摘要] 怦然心动片尾曲:《let it be me》 I bless the day I found you. 感谢上天上我遇到你 I want to stay aroud you. 我想和你一起厮守 Now and forever不管天荒地老 let it be me 让我爱着你 don't take this heaven fro

       怦然心动片尾曲:《let it be me》

  I bless the day I found you. 感谢上天上我遇到你

  I want to stay aroud you. 我想和你一起厮守

  Now and forever不管天荒地老

  let it be me 让我爱着你

  don't take this heaven from one 不要让我的梦想破灭

  if you must cling to someone 如果你真的需要温暖怀抱

  Now and forever不管天荒地老

  let it be me 让我爱着你

  each time we meet love当生命中出现爱

  i find complete love 那一定是完整的爱

  without you sweet love没有你的甜美笑容

  oh,what would life be 我的生活将暗无天日

  so never leave me lonely 请不要离开我

  say that you love me only 说你只爱我一人

  and that you'll always 并且你会永远

  let it be me 让我爱着你

  say you'll always 并且你会永远

  let it be me 让我爱着你

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