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[摘要] 《筝语》古筝音乐会 《筝语》古筝音乐会 时间:2012.04.06 20:00 场馆:​龙岗区文化中心音乐厅 演出信息 【《筝语》古筝音乐会】详细介绍 《筝语》古筝音乐会 罗晶古筝艺术团 罗晶古



  时间:2012.04.06 20:00





        罗晶古筝艺术团 罗晶古筝艺术团于2003年成立,承蒙各音乐界前辈的帮助与支持,使乐团能茁壮成长。乐团本着艺术交流及文化推广的理念,举办过多次不同类型之演出,每次均获好评。除参与演出外,乐团亦曾参与灌录乐曲,包括月儿高、绿岛小夜曲、将军令、春江花月夜、山河流水、仕女图等,其音韵均令乐迷留下深刻印象。更具意义的是乐团透过这些机会,能与多位乐界名家包括何占豪先生、顾冠仁先生、李家华先生及何文川先生等合作及并获得指导,令乐团获益及发展。 乐团的成员包括现职古筝导师、香港演艺学院音乐系硕士毕业生及香港教育学院学生等,凭藉团员对古筝艺术的热爱和追求,使我们凝聚在一起,并希望透过不同类型、不同形式的重奏作品来进一步展现古筝的音乐特色与艺术魅力,使这古老的传统乐器更具时代气息,让广大听众欣赏到更丰富、更多变、更有表现力的古筝组合表演形式。

  The Luo Jing Zheng Art Ensemble was founded in 2003. It has been developed to one of the most famous Zheng Ensemble in Hong Kong with the sincere support from many of fellows and world-classed musicians. The Ensemble organizes and participates many music exchange concerts and community performances in order to promote the Zheng Art. From 2007, it joins the CD recording of “Moon Rising ”, “General Commands” and “Lofty Mountains, Flowing River” for songs of Moon Rising, Serenade of Green Island, General Commands, Spring Flower and Moon Light River. Mountain and Flowing River and Picture of Ladies. Its reputable performance has impressed the audience and drawn attention from musicians. The valuable experience in attending these activities and cooperation with fellow musicians has further advanced the development of the Ensemble.

  Members of the Ensemble include the Graduates of the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts, Zheng Lecturer and the student of Hong Kong Institute of Education. The profession and passion of members has inspired the ensemble for pursuit of excellence. The ensemble is deeply rooted in the Chinese heritage but its performance format and repertoire includes not only the traditional Chinese music but also contemporary works. It shows a full-scaled Zheng Art to audience with the beauty of traditional music and innovation through commissioning new works of various types and styles and collaboration with other music professionals.

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