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[摘要] 非诚勿扰男嘉宾出场音乐介绍如下: 歌名:《Can You Feel It》 歌手:Jean Roch 《Can You Feel It》 ladies and gentleman the time is here the time is now all over the world paris, sant francisco everyone on holiyday put


  歌名:《Can You Feel It》 歌手:Jean Roch

  《Can You Feel It》

  ladies and gentleman

  the time is here

  the time is now

  all over the world

  paris, sant francisco

  everyone on holiyday

  put your drinks in the air

  this time

  jean roch

  can you feel it?

  can you feel it?

  jean roch says

  can you feel it?

  jean roch says

  can you feel it?

  jean roch says

  can you feel it, feel it , feel it

  can you feel it?

  can you feel it?

  can you feel it?

  yeah!come on

  i can feel my heart, my energy

  and i doubt my fire bombs

  and men you're just like beach

  and everyone about

  understand with his cry, happy end

  featuring a man who comes back flames !

  hand of god, all the power of love

  can you feel it?

  can you feel it?

  can you feel it?

  can you feel it?

  can you feel it?

  everyday i know i feel the pain

  everynight you know i don't lose the game

  cause you don't look all i have in my mind

  i can feel the glory in my dreams

  in my life, i just see you and me

  together, we can be so strong

  get your hands up,(come on), everybody(let's go)

  get your hands up,(come on), everybody,(let's go)

  can you feel it,(say y)

  can you feel it,(say y)

  can you feel it,(say y)

  can you feel it,(say y)

  let's go!

  can you feel it?

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