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[摘要] 适合女生唱的英文歌有哪些?下面的多首推荐给您: 1. Promise don't come to easy 2. Small of two pieces 3. Melody of live by 4. d ying in the sun 5. Pretty by 6. About memories 7. Sunshine frends 8. Reality 9. Vaild field


  1. Promise don't come to easy

  2. Small of two pieces

  3. Melody of live by

  4. d ying in the sun

  5. Pretty by

  6. About memories

  7. Sunshine frends

  8. Reality

  9. Vaild field

  10. There you will b e

  11. do you know where you're going to

  12. Tiight I feel close to you

  13. When there was me and you

  14. always getting over you

  15. I think of you

  16. shu ld it matter

  17. Kiss me goodbye

  18. Promise don't come to easy

  19. Small of two pieces

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