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[摘要] 本文为您推荐下电影《闻香识女人》经典台词: 1. i know exactly where your body is. what i'm looking for s some indication of a brain. too much football without a helmet? 2. IQ of sloth, and the manner of banshees. 3. some


  1. i know exactly where your body is. what i'm looking for s some indication of a brain. too much football without a helmet?

  2. IQ of sloth, and the manner of banshees.

  3. some people live a lifetime in a minute.

  4.would you mind if we waited with you? you know, just to keep the wonmanizers from bothering you.

  5. no mistakes in the tango, not like life.


  6.all my life i stood up to everyone and everything because if made me feel important. you do it cause you mean it.


  7.you're not bad, you're just in pain.


  8.what life?i got no life.i'm in the dark here. do you understand? i'm in the dark.

  9. if you're tangled up, just tango on.

  10. when the shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay.


  11. i don't know charlie's silence here is right or wrong,i'm not a judge or jury, but i can tell you this, he won't sell anybody out to buy his future.that's called integrity!that's called courage!


  12. now i've come to the crossroad in my life.i always knew what the right path was without exception. I knew, but i never took it.you know why.it's was too damn hard.


  13. there is nothing like the sight of an amputated spirit. there is no prothesis for that.


  14. did you ever have the feeling that you wanted to go, and still you had the feeling that you wanted to stay?


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