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[摘要] 《救命》(HELP)是由北京群垚传媒有限公司出品,中国青年导演胡艺川执导, 常月萍,周萌主演的人文作者电影。主要讲述的是一个钓鱼老人的意外落水,两个过路人(史震飞,季子渊饰

《救命》(HELP)是由北京群垚传媒有限公司出品,中国青年导演胡艺川执导, 常月萍,周萌主演的人文作者电影。主要讲述的是一个钓鱼老人的意外落水,两个过路人(史震飞,季子渊饰)在救与不救的两种截然不同的选择中,结局却呈现出一致的悲剧性,纠结和无助的选择,拷问中国当代人们的社会道...

《救命》(HELP)是由北京群垚传媒有限公司出品,中国青年导演胡艺川执导, 常月萍,周萌主演的人文作者电影。主要讲述的是一个钓鱼老人的意外落水,两个过路人(史震飞,季子渊饰)在救与不救的两种截然不同的选择中,结局却呈现出一致的悲剧性,纠结和无助的选择,拷问中国当代人们的社会道德和公民良知的故事。该电影于2011年10月18日在中国大陆公映。


入选第6届北京独立电影节(BIFF) The 6th Beijing Independent Film Festival2011

第24届哈尔滨冰雪电影节“短片导演风格大奖”Harbin FilmFestival





独立精神气质:★★★★★ 故事性:★★★★






-Instantly gripping. Greatdialog. Professionally shot with cinematic consciousness and consistency in a‘hand-held’ feel. -River Bed sequence develops brilliantly, never allowing theaudience to breath. The money haggling scene is astounding. The juxtapose ofheroism vs opportunism is fantastic. -In some scenes, the story developsextremely quickly without allowing the emotional intensity to set in. Forexample; when the OLD MAN realises the two WORKERS died to saving him. -It isnot immediately clear who the protagonist is. There are multiple storiesbetween the WIFE, the DAUGHTER and the OLD MAN, but they are sparse and I can’thelp but feel the want to get closer, more intimate to a single individual.This could be due to a serious lack of close-ups in the film. By the half-waypoint I still haven’t really read the WIFE’s face. It may be an artisticdecision, but it is not allowing me resonate entirely with the WIFE. -The ‘rainpour-down’ sequence with the kids is brilliantly executed and again, the dialogsurprises you with unexpected outcomes. -Interesting turn of events when thefilm portrays the social repercussions of having taken no action at all. Neither the victim’s family in the first reality, nor the defendant WORKERSin the second reality want to take responsibility. This is an interesting butsomewhat darker look at societies interwoven behavior considering all of theoutcomes. Of course, drama needs to be created, and this film does itincredibly well with a large cast. -The film takes a good stab an analysingsocieties as well as individuals definition of justice, both on a mass viralscale and on an intimate family/partner level too. Intensely interesting anddeep, beyond just the performances and on-screen action. -Fantastic full circleending which not only suggests, rather sinisterly, that you cannot escape yourfate but the group of attackers acted in exactly the same way to what they wereprotesting against. This genre gimmic however, ‘alternateendings/realities’(a la RUN LOLA RUN) is, in my opinion, alittle bit of a ‘cheap’wayto avoid a deeper, more complex narrative and can be very disengaging. -Allround a brilliant, thought provoking film that will stay with me long after thecredits have rolled.


“这么长的故事完成度挺高的。摄影蛮有含金量。但是作为导演完全失去了掌控力,整部所谓的电影拍成了一档伦理类电视节目中的原景重现。片子更像一部伪纪录片,艺术性严重缺失。两段故事本可以产生更为强烈的戏剧冲突,但是对比与对位并不是很明显。看看《a separation》是怎么拍的吧.”




“这个短片很经典,救?不救?很纠结,其实也很简单。有道德底线的人都懂的,不和脑残探讨。脑残?谁?对,就是媒体。短片中有媒体这样问:你们会不会离婚呀? 人言可畏?我说媒体可畏呀”。



“欲哭无泪啊!太震撼的片子了,真实得几乎就像是纪录片。”——(lisenhei) [3] 

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