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[摘要] 内容介绍Since first edition#39;s publication, the CDO market has seen tremendous growth. As of 2005, $1.1 trillion of CDOs were outstanding -- making them the fastest-growing investment vehicle of the last decade. To help you keep up wit

内容介绍Since first edition's publication, the CDO market has seen tremendous growth. As of 2005, $1.1 trillion of CDOs were outstanding -- making them the fastest-growing investment vehicle of the last decade. To help you keep up with this expanding market and its various instruments, Douglas Lucas, Laurie Goodman, and Frank Fabozzi have collaborated to bring you this fully revised and up...

Since first edition's publication, the CDO market has seen tremendous growth. As of 2005, $1.1 trillion of CDOs were outstanding -- making them the fastest-growing investment vehicle of the last decade. To help you keep up with this expanding market and its various instruments, Douglas Lucas, Laurie Goodman, and Frank Fabozzi have collaborated to bring you this fully revised and up-to-date new edition of Collateralized Debt Obligations. Written in a clear and accessible style, this valuable resource provides critical information regarding the evolving nature of the CDO market. You'll find in-depth insights gleaned from years of investment and credit experience as well as the examination of a wide range of issues, including cash CDOs, loans and CLOs, structured finance CDOs and collateral review, emerging market and market value CDOs, and synthetic CDOs. Use this book as your guide and take advantage of this dynamic market and its products.

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