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中国好声音赵晗《She’s gone》原唱及歌词


[摘要] 赵晗 9月13日晚,中国好声音第二季最后一场导师终极大考核,赵晗演唱歌曲《Shes gone》,这首歌曲的原唱是Steelheart ,下面是《Shes gone》的歌词。 Shes gone 原唱:Steelheart Out of my life I


  9月13日晚,中国好声音第二季最后一场导师终极大考核,赵晗演唱歌曲《She’s gone》,这首歌曲的原唱是Steelheart ,下面是《She’s gone》的歌词。

  She’s gone


  Out of my life

  I was wrong

  I’m to blame

  I was so untrue

  I can’t live without her love

  In my life

  There’s just an empty space

  All my dreams are lost

  I’m wasting away

  Forgive me, girl

  Lady, won’t you save me

  My heart belongs to you

  Lady, can you forgive me

  For all I’ve done to you

  Lady, oh, lady

  She’s gone

  Out of my life

  Oh, she’s gone

  I find it so hard to go on

  I really miss that girl, my love

  Come back into my arms

  I’m so alone

  I’m begging you

  I’m down on my knees

  Forgive me, girl

  Lady, oh, lady

  My heart belongs to you

  Lady, can you forgive me

  For all I’ve done to you

  Lady, oh, lady, oh, lady.oh, lady

  Lady, won’t you save me

  My heart belongs to you

  Lady, can you forgive me

  For all I’ve done to you

  Lady, oh, lady

  My heart belongs to you

  Lady, can you forgive me

  For all I’ve done to you

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