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中国好声音苏梦玫《This is a man's world》歌词及原唱


[摘要] 苏梦玫 9月30日,中国好声音哈林战队进行冠军之战。战争一触即发。冠军宝座只有一个,4位学员剑拔弩张,为争得最后的冠军宝座都为之奋力拼搏。冠军只会留给有真正实力的学员。


  9月30日,中国好声音哈林战队进行冠军之战。战争一触即发。冠军宝座只有一个,4位学员剑拔弩张,为争得最后的冠军宝座都为之奋力拼搏。冠军只会留给有真正实力的学员。哈林战队学员苏梦玫演唱歌曲《This is a man's world》,这首歌曲的原唱是歌手James Brown。下面是《This is a man's world》的歌词。

  This is a man's world

  原唱:James Brown

  This is a man's world, this is a man's world

  But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

  You see, mn made the cars to take us over the road

  Man made the trains to carry heavy loads

  Man made electric light to take us out of the dark

  Man made the boat for the water, like Noah made the ark

  This is a man's, a man's, a man's world

  But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

  Man thinks about a little baby girls and a baby boys

  Man makes then happy 'cause man makes them toys

  And after man has made everything, everything he can

  You know that man makes money to buy from other man

  This is a man's world

  But it wouldn't be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl

  He's lost in the world of man

  He's lost in bitterness

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