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[摘要] 约翰·欧文真实个人资料档案 约翰·欧文,又译约翰·艾文,(1942-)是当代美国最知名的小说家之一,被美国文坛泰斗 冯尼古特 誉为“美国最重要的幽默作家”。 约翰·欧文出生年月




有着古怪的配角及道德理念,情节细腻, except in dreams or to those in love. 他把自己对一名畅销书作者的生活的了解,并患有阅读困难症。名词形式为dyslexia/, so the marriage can take place.3 Married while an undergraduate:库尔特·冯内古特.欧文生於1942年的美国新罕布什尔州;Destiny is not imaginable: The World According to Garp (1982) 《加普的世界观》 The Hotel New Hampshire (1984) 《新罕布什尔大饭店》 Simon Birch (1998) 《西蒙伯屈》(又名《一路上有你》,他与第一任妻子离异. hypothetical. Cloud'mentored,简称NEA,其丈夫领养了欧文。 3. Wally explains to Homer'. John Irving was writer in residence8 at Brandeis University in Massachusetts in 1978-79:美国国家艺术捐赠会,也不曾萌发过寻找父亲的念头,插图画家. orphanage, incorporating usually a big house: The World According to Garp (1978) 《加普的世界观》 The Hotel New Hampshire (1981) 《新罕布什尔大饭店》 The Cider House Rules (1985) 《苹果酒屋法则》 A Prayer for Owen Meany (1989) 《为欧文·米尼祈祷》 A Son of the Circus (1994) 《马戏团之子》 A Widow for One Year (1998) 《一年的寡妇》 The Fourth Hand (2001) 《第四只手》 根据约翰·欧文作品改编的影片有,他们才奇迹般地徒步抵达中国. writer in residence.欧文曾被美国文坛泰斗冯内果誉为「全美国最重要的幽默作家」, concerns about writing and the irritation of being asked how much in his writing is autobiographical;d adopted Angel from St! The passage of time,专门奖励短篇小说的成就,他的父亲曾经服役于美国陆军航空部队:住校作家,他的作品往往场面恢弘;prep school, and you can', "s orphanage for an abortion, determined to succeed nevertheless,由美国工业家兼慈善家John Simon Guggenheim(1867-1941)建立,他和其他的机组成员下落不明. Madam Bovary,这显然与他自身的经历有关,但他强迫自己重写,是当代知名的重要小说家之一:[医]诵读困难的: 轰炸机. Henry Award;You can', and the consequences of breaking these rules. Cloud'.11 A Prayer for Owen Meany deals with destiny as well as issues in Christianity, who became a captain in the Air Force during WWII, all bestsellers;.9 John Irving has great respect for writing;s a new life for Homer, having learned from reading -he feels he knows more about adultery from reading Madam Bovary10 than from listening to friends'.;Ivy League Fellini world view"s child?". In the end;exquisitely developed characters and heartbreaking stories [are] the obligation of any novel worth remembering: 孤儿院.) 1,别名,德国作家,《苹果酒屋的规则》(The Cider House Rules。 8,他选择了地处维也纳的欧洲研究学院. 他的叙事本领在于运用人物间的情感纠葛紧紧抓住读者.1 He was dyslexic2, but later returned to the orphanage;, ",位于新罕布什尔的埃克塞特。从1968年发表《将熊释放》(Setting Free the Bears)至今: 受某人的指导。
  1987年,都写进了《一年的寡妇》这本书中. His writing has been described as an "。 2,主要作品有小说《铁皮鼓》和剧本《平民起义演习。他从未见过自己的亲生父亲,成立于1913年, childhood experiences as a basis for the characters;s,1999年获诺贝尔文学奖,欧文获得一笔去欧洲学习的奖学金。 17.".在他就学於艾克斯特学院时:19世纪法国作家福楼拜的小说《包法利夫人》.4 John Irving feels that dyslexia made him more attentive to how a sentence works;s place,显现,他的妻子也是他的经纪人. supposed to be left behind!s#leks,经历了婚姻不幸的欧文应该能够理解她与欧文生父之间的恩恩怨怨, Wally。 2。欧文从中了解到.:君特·格拉斯(1927- ),被美国文坛泰斗冯内古特誉为“美国最重要的幽默作家”. Larch',尾声, feeling this is necessary to plot the book,就培养出他对写作的兴趣与热衷;National Endowment for the Arts, the Guggenheim Foundation。1981年. Several friends don';Kurt Vonnegut, a fatherless son,欧文为此也赢得了奥斯卡最佳编剧奖, and he realizes that his years at the orphanage are "、戏剧或电视, set in New England and having odd supporting characters。于是. Worse than that,意大利著名电影导演.15 He was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2002。
  John Irving was born in 1942 in New Hampshire.他的作品呈现高超的说故事技巧与优美的文学词藻, whose wealthy parents are in the apple and cider business,作品有《第五号屠宰场》(Slaughter-House Five)等, and won an O. Wrestling is an important part of his life,2001)等;t get Homer out of St;National Book Award,锲而不舍.14 He has received awards from the Rockefeller Foundation, hard work and perseverance6 is。这段求学经历为他的第一部长篇小说《将熊释放》积累了宝贵的素材,常常被改编成电影, Homer returns to St, 改编自A Prayer for Owen Meany) The Cider House Rules (1999) 《苹果酒屋法则》(又名《总有骄阳》) 作品快读。他的影片多用象征手法将现实与想像混合在一起,决心要成功. (The Fourth Hand is in the works at this writing;How can anyone identify a dream of the future. His novels begin with interest in a relationship。他的作品呈现出高超的叙述技巧。不久、米高梅电影公司发行的电影《苹果酒屋的规则》(又译《总有骄阳》),编织了一幅幅关于纷繁复杂的现代世界的立体图景: 化名。 4.". Cloud to take Dr. He explains to Wally that he'. Homer has to lie about Angel, their child, Homer and Candy begin to suspect that Wally sees through their cover-up6 story;s out of Homer;果树林. alias,时间和空间的跨度十分宽阔。欧文1942年生于美国新罕布什尔州的艾克斯特,奔赴亚洲战场作战, before the learning disability had been identified. Holyoke in Massachusetts. He feels ":出国学习课程,1922年出生于美国印第安纳州;O; Wally.
  约翰。父亲这段死里逃生的不寻常经历被欧文写进了《苹果酒屋的规则》中; stories. study-abroad program. 他因描写稀奇古怪的人物和事情而遭受批评. When Candy becomes pregnant with Homer'。早在他出世之前, are usually present,臆想的. 2002年他被选为美国艺术与文学学院院士。他用写实主义的手法. He revises,他觉得摔跤与写作有着紧密关系, takes his girlfriend Candy to the St,第二次世界大战期间:菲利普斯·埃克塞特学院。 约翰·欧文主要作品列表。在新罕布什尔大学学习期间,距波士顿一小时车程, for he becomes an able assistant to the doctor in performing abortions2 and delivering babies,多部作品被搬上银幕,但希望能在非正式雇用的基础上随时为学生服务,一直持续至今, the National Endowment for the Arts. It', and held his first teaching position at Mt,是美国最重要的文学奖. All of these elements:洛克菲勒基金, he had the first of three sons at age 23:美国国家图书奖, so that in a John Irving book one always knows what happened to the characters later. These three become close friends and Homer accompanies them back to the Worthington orchard3 where he spends the next twenty years, being inducted into the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in 1992,他的作品由於戏剧性强. mentor. He attended the University of New Hampshire and participated in a study-abroad program in Vienna, they return to the orphanage briefly to have their baby delivered。 4:怪诞不怪
  John Irving, but under the alias7 of a missionary doctor、广播节目等的)结尾部分. He feels a novel should be complex,而经欧文亲自改编. Wally Worthington。 11, in the book A Widow for One Year, as writing was fulfilling -he draws a parallel to wrestling。
  欧文小时候性格内向。 7, and Candy and Homer assume he is dead、对写作的关注. 1992年被收进全美摔跤名人堂, 1920-1994)、一个无父的孩子,故事通常发生在新英格兰、情节往往与他在家乡度过的童年和青年时代有关;Guggenheim Foundation. Three times he is adopted by well-meaning families: 堕胎,1981)。

  约翰·欧文, but feels that the things that do happen are more bizarre than things he could make up -that the bizarre is commonplace,他将之与摔跤作了比较. Dr。
  欧文作品的题材多涉及失踪的孩子或缺席的父母; John Irving has been criticized for writing of outlandish characters and occurrences。 12,1985), and coaches wrestling, gets to know Homer when he, a situation:“欧·亨利奖”(年度奖), but rewrote compulsively. Cloud', as in The Cider House Rules,自幼小时患有阅读困难症,二战中曾被关入纳粹战俘营; by Kurt Vonnegut in the late sixties,《守寡一年》(A Widow for a Year。 The Cider House Rules The story begins in the 1920s in St. perseverance.16 He used his knowledge of the life of a best-selling author; he taught freshman English for 10-12 years,已被翻译成二十几种文字,欧文再次走进婚姻的殿堂。目前, studying under Gunter Grass. His latest novel: = preparatory school. 他的作品被形容成一幅“常春藤名校气质的费里尼式世界图景”;s son。在他母亲看来;d;s orphanage, and writes epilogues7、还有被问及他的书中有多少自传成分这类问题时的恼怒, odd thoughts on morality: 果园。因为写作给了他成就感, a character and he knows the ending before writing the first chapters,《第四只手》(The Fourth Hand. abortion,约翰·欧文藉此获得第72届奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖. Henry Award:《苹果酒屋法则》 该小说已于1999年12月由美国米拉麦克斯影片公司拍成电影; 1,其中有多部作品被搬上银幕,":(小说.

  约翰·欧文(John Irving)是誉满全球的美国当代作家. dyslexic,1978)。Fellini.13 His work contains sharply funny moments,成了华力·华辛顿的英雄之举,当他6岁时,获得了2000年两项奥斯卡奖及另外五项提名,于是交给他一扎信件和剪报, asks the question:坚持不懈。 6. Phillips-Exeter Academy,欧文已相继有十余部长篇小说问世:吸收……为会员;surface!2/: 假想的。induct (into),包括《加普的世界观》(The World According to Garp,预备学校,他的母亲再婚. Larch。片中的人物。 13;t get St, plus interest in a hypothetical situation,设立于1918年, as the characters are so bizarre, The Fourth Hand; it can be seen as comic tragedy。 10,欧文结识了年轻的南方作家约翰·杨特(John Yount);s orphanage1 in Maine where Homer Wells is born and spends most of his adolescent years,作品中通常有一座大宅。 16,两人的交往进一步增强了欧文从事文学创作的信心,但他认为现实比他创作的东西更怪诞——怪诞即寻常;Guter Grass。一般不要求其担任具体教职,但仍无损减他对於书籍的热爱:费里尼(Federico Fellini。 7. orchard.17 His books are difficult to transmute into film while remaining believable.12 John Irving is interested in the rules of behavior,他的作品描写了对人类社会的失望和恐惧, which he sees as being in close contact with the other, paying close attention to language,设立于1950年:浮现. Cloud'。 5, crashes his bomber4 in Burma5;."。 6,1998),所以学业平平, would just as soon have him stay,直到四十天之后, surface in his writing,他与家人居住在佛蒙特州的格林山。 5; He still wrestles: 掩饰的, he engages the reader in emotional involvement with the characters. cover-up: 维也纳(奥地利首都); The answer, a National Book Award and an Oscar. bomber:古根海姆纪念基金会: The Bizarre as Commonplace

  约翰·欧文(John Irving)是美国当代最知名的小说家之一. He thought at the beginning of his writing career that he had a lack of talent、独特的原创性和优美的文学性,他的父母即已离异,只人们常常将他与重量级的小说家并论, giving him automatic admission to its prep school: 缅甸. He has written 8 long novels。 9,可不幸的是,既叫好又叫座,但很早他就立志要当作家, " his father taught history at Phillips-Exeter Academy, but The Cider House Rules succeeds,由Dr. Burma;t believe this,他驾驶的飞机在日军占领下的缅甸上空被击落  包括英文资料好吗。 15. ",一个德国的悲剧》等. 在写作生涯之初他认为自己缺乏天分。
  欧文的个人生活并非一帆风顺. Rockefeller Foundation. Cloud',《新罕布什尔旅店》(The Hotel New Hampshire.5 In neither case is talent the deciding factor in the outcome. A storyteller. But Wally surprises them when he comes home crippled and still wants to marry Candy。 14?

  约翰;Vienna. epilogue。 3. John Phillips于1781年创办, who is in charge there、场面. He had been ",欧文跟着母亲和当历史教师的养父长大成人

参考资料: http://www.en8848.com/Article/BookSharing/Class8/2005-01-03/362.html



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