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「GOT7」「分享」200212 刚洗完澡闻起来香香的段宜恩……这是什么虎狼之词

橙山网(www.csnd.net)2022-12-02 04:12:45

[摘要] 多文娱乐(luodw.com) 12日下午,段爸爸推特更新与段宜恩合照一枚,附文写道:“He just took a shower the new curly hair smells so good I want to steal the shampoo back to State ”(他刚洗完澡 新的卷发闻起来


12日下午,段爸爸推特更新与段宜恩合照一枚,附文写道:“He just took a shower … the new curly hair smells so good… I want to steal the shampoo back to State ”(他刚洗完澡… 新的卷发闻起来很好香… 想把洗发水偷回美国)


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