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橙山网(www.csnd.net)2019-09-11 07:09:42

[摘要] 飞虎队帅 Being born in 1939 I grew up watching all the John Wayne movies and remember quite well the impact this film had on me and eventually my chosen profession as a pilot. The question that always comes to mind whenever I see the fi


Being born in 1939 I grew up watching all the John Wayne movies and remember quite well the impact this film had on me and eventually my chosen profession as a pilot. The question that always comes to mind whenever I see the film is; Who built the P-40 Warhawk replicas used in the movie? I assume Curtis-Wright had a hand in it as they are mentioned in the credits. The replicas were done fairly accurately and obviously had an engine and propeller with enough power to taxi. This also means that they had a steerable tailwheel and main landing gear brakes for stopping etc. Noticeable though is that while taxiing you do not see flight control surface movement especially in the rudder which would move with the tailwheel. No aileron movement is observed either, which you would see during taxi over rough ground and the pilot s hand holding the control stick naturally would transmit some vibration to the ailerons. The most obvious difference from the true P-40 is in the area of the canopy and windshield construction, kind of close but not convincing when the actual footage of aircraft taking off shows the true configuration and size of the aircraft. The film is not TOP GUN but is always a nice nostalgic event for this old retired pilot [2]

飞虎队 (豆瓣)

老洪(刘威 饰)是飞虎队的三大队长,带着副队王强(李雪健 饰)和队员彭亮(张晞临 饰)我们一起,几人潜至了正泰中国国际洋行,行刺了日本王掌柜。地村是日本日本特务队的队,行刺的重磅消息恼羞成怒了他,因而灭口死了数十位残害的骡夫以泄心中之恨。
老洪得悉洋行新履新的王掌柜山口旅团长正在途中,只好与政委的引领下也将其射杀,后的更他杀死了地村,替被杀的外国人民讨回公道了大恨,另外大感情牌击了打击敌人如此嚣张的气焰。一职日本特务队松尾他面兽心,他找来了日本特务秦雄(李幼斌 饰)使出调虎离山之计,意图将飞虎整齐的队列员一窝端。不光这样的,松尾还劫持了老洪的女儿芳林嫂(赵小艺 饰),意图通过她重新将老洪剿灭。


芒果捞小丸子:依然有经典的打戏和马路戏还是这么燃,只是没想到现在连爆破戏这样的大场面都可以拍得这么有电影质感了!果然看到 的画面有够惊险!飞虎们演的太帅了!


微博电视剧:这段 简直A爆了,枪战场面不要看的太爽!一看制作方就花了大手笔,太酷了,有一种看线上电影的感觉。 围观预定!



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