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席琳·迪翁的新歌《I Surrender》的歌词是什么


[摘要] There's so much life I've left to live And this fire's burning still When I watch you look at me I think I could find a way To stand for every dream And forsake this solid ground And give up this fear within Of what would happen if they end

  There's so much life

  I've left to live

  And this fire's burning still

  When I watch you look at me

  I think I could find a way

  To stand for every dream

  And forsake this solid ground

  And give up this fear within

  Of what would happen if they end, you

  I'm in love with you

  'Cause I'd surrender everything

  To feel the chance, to live again

  I reach to you

  I know you can feel it too

  We'd make it through

  A thousand dreams I still believe

  I'd make you give them all to me

  I'd hold you in my arms and never let go

  I surrender

  I know

  I can't survive another night away from you

  You're the reason I go on

  And now I need to live the truth

  Right now, there's no better time

  From this fear, I will break free

  And I'll live again with love

  And know they can't take that away from me

  And they will see... yeah

  I'd surrender everything

  To feel the chance, to live again

  I reach to you

  I know you can feel it too

  We'd make it through

  A thousand dreams I still believe

  I'll make you give them all to me

  I'll hold you in my arms and never let go

  I surrender

  Every night gets longer

  And this voice's getting stronger baby

  I'll swallow my pride

  And I'll be alive

  Can't you hear my call?

  I surrender all...

  (I'll surrender everything)

  (To feel the chance, to live again)

  I reach to you

  I know you can feel it too

  We'll make it through

  A thousand dreams I still believe

  I'll make you give them all to me

  I'll hold you in my arms and never let go

  I surrender

  Right here, right now

  I'd give my life to live again

  I'll break free

  Take me, my everything

  I surrender all to you

  (Right now)

  Right now

  (I'd give my life to live again)

  I'd give my life

  (I'll break free, Take me)

  Take me, take me

  (my everything)

  My everything

  (I surrender all to you, right now)

  Right now

  (I'd give my life to live again)

  I'd give my life to you baby

  I'll break free, yeah free

 席琳·迪翁的新歌《I Surrender》的歌词是什么

  席琳·迪翁(Celine Dion),著名英语和法语的流行女歌手,有流行天后之称,也被世界媒体誉为20世纪90年代至今的跨世纪天后歌手之一。1968年3月30日出生于加拿大魁北克省。1997年为电影《泰坦尼克号》献唱片尾曲《My Heart Will Go On》被全世界观众熟知,并获得第70届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖。2008年5月22日Celine在巴黎接受法国总统萨科齐亲自颁发的Legion d'Honneur骑士勋章。作为全球最畅销的女歌手,Celine在全球的专辑销量已超过了2亿张。2013年,Celine受央视春晚邀请担任表演嘉宾,与宋祖英合唱中国民曲《茉莉花》。

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