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橙山网(www.csnd.net)2022-12-01 18:12:40

[摘要] 多文娱乐(luodw.com) 春节档碰上“2·14”,给一票难求的影市再添一把火,2月14日大年初三单日总票房超13.7亿,中国电影市场历史首次连续三天单日票房破10亿。 China made history this weekend



China made history this weekend with the country’s national box office breaking 1 billion yuan a day for three consecutive days, a feat achieved despite caps on max theater capacity at 75% in most of the country and 50% in areas particularly at risk for COVID-19.



According to Chinese ticket platform Maoyan, Chinese cinemas have raked in more than 5.25 billion yuan by Monday noon – the fourth day of the Year of the Ox.



“Detective Chinatown 3” led China’s box office in the first 3.5 days of Spring Festival holidays, raking in more than 2.8 billion yuan.

Coming in second was time travel comedy “Hi, Mom,” which grossed 1.3 billion yuan. Fantasy thriller “A Writer’s Odyssey” ranked third, generating a revenue of about 357 million yuan.

其中,《唐人街探案3》已接连创造了中国电影市场单片首日票房纪录、 国产电影单日票房纪录、首映日观影人次等多项新纪录。



Optimistically, China’s Spring Festival box office is projected to exceed 7.05 billion yuan, up 28.1 percent compared with the same period in 2019, prior to the battering of the pandemic, the Xinhua News Agency reported, citing Chinese investment bank China International Capital Corp.



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